Welcome to Online Srividya Sadhana Training System
The Great Sri Vidya is the ‘Ultimate Art of Materialization and Self actualisation : It helps the person to transcend his accumulated negative psychic impressions while conferring upon him all the riches of the material world without letting one get lost in the greed.
Benefits of Sri Vidya Online Training
Kundalini awakening: The latent consciousness within us is termed as the Kundalini.
Awakening of Awareness leads to inexplicably large number of benefits from money, fame, mental equipoise, radiant health, satisfaction, unconditional love for all, Attainment of all the existing boons to Moksha.
Massive spiritual upliftment besides blessing with the luxuries and comforts of the material world.
All the 7 chakras and the elements inherent in them too get activated.
Other material benefits of this powerful sacred process includes all relationships becoming cordial, there is infinite shower of wealth, confidence,
wisdom, health, abundance and prosperity etc.
The souls of the ancestors which may have been in the lower worlds get ascended,
Any black magic, and dosha is nullified, major hurdles in life are averted.
The sadhak witnesses inner peace instant wish fulfilment, optimism, humbleness, soft spokenness, respect for the opposite gender,
curing of all kinds of diseases, removal of stress, and bad habits and many more
More than All direct connection and relationship with realized Teacher, great chance to learn authentic and practical applications and grow in life