Sriyanthra is the main mode to communicate with the Devi universe and Awareness in Srividya. So Sriyanthra is essential for srividya sadhana.what is the observations of sage parashurama to select a sriyanthra ?
“Puratha: Panchashakthichathu: shreekandha melana roopam
Bhusadanathra valithraya bhoopapathradikpathra bhuvanara
Druhinara vidhikona dikkona thrikonabindu
Chakramayam maha chakra rajam sindoora kumkumalikhitham
Chameekara kaladhautha panchaloha rathna
Sfadikadyuthkeernnam va niveshya.”:- Parashuramakalpa suthra (Navayoni Mandalam ,9th hymn.).
Meaning:- “In front of the sadhaka, keep the sriyanthra which is having five shakthi triangles and four shiva triangles’s joind figour.This should include bhupura thrayam,shodashadalam, ashtadalam,thrikonam,bindu which should have 4 entrance. This is known as the great King of the chakras (Maha Chakra Rajam).Srichakra should have made with many ways for worship which are mentioned below. Sriyanthra can draw with Sindura, Kumkum & other traditional powders draw on copper plate and worship but in the case of Meru, we have to use only Panchaloha,Diamond,Sfadikam and Gold for worshiping Sriyanthra In Srividya.”
As per the ancient instruction of sage Parashurama, We are giving only the Panchaloha Meru with proper shapes.He is not insisting the inner part. According to the Amrithanandanadha tradition they are using inside hollow meru but many other traditions are using solid one. So the outer shape is more important than inside matter.
Mahameru should make in proper sizes and use for sadhana ,otherwise this will be the cause of the problems of the sadhaka. This don't purchase from the street sellers without any idea. All chakra's sandhis and marmas (junctions) should be proper.
The sfadika meru is very rare in perfection. The diamond and Gold is costly, don’t use the nut-bolt or joined type sriyanthras which are selling from Srividya “business” people. The triangles should be correct in shapes and the places of deities should be maximum perfect. If you using wrong sriyanthra it will affect negatively in your psychic world of meditation. Many holly places you will get meru but if you observe closely the inner triangles have gyaps and the sarvasidhiprada chakra (top triangle) will be collapsed. At least, the avaranas and the places of the deities should be perfect for worship.
So we started to give Panchaloha Meru Sriyanthras and Sriyanthra copper plates for our sadhakas with good quality for worship Devi. The srividya is the mix of Sriyanthra, Devi, Manthra, Universe & the Sadhaka. The Disciple should use one of the modes for worship Sriyanthra
For your sadhana as per your interest, here you can buy Mahameru, all the yanthras, Puja Pathras, Ideols, Malas etc..,
You can note the order no of the product and after payment share the Picture of the slip and your residential address through watsapp or email on +919544431919 or thapovanmeditation@gmail.com for sent the materials.

Panchaloha Maha meru in Different sizes
1.25 inches - 4750/- Order No -100
1.5 Inches - 5750/- Order No- 101
2.5 inches -6200/- Order No -102
3x3 inches- 12500/- Order No -103
4 inches- 16200/- Order No -104

Special Maha Meru in Panchloha - 78000-Order No -105
( Hand made .Using traditional making method )

Copper plate 2D Yanthra - 5 inches- 1700/- Order No -106
Copper plate 2D Yanthra of 4 inches- 1200/- Order No -107
Copper plate 2D Yanthra of 3 inches- 950/- Order No -108
Copper plate 2D Yanthra of 2 inches- 750/-Order No -109
Puja dish set as per mishra system -Order No 110
Puja dish set - 7000/- Order No -109
1.Make a payment of as per the above table which has mentioned in INR to the following bank account through direct fund transfer or like other Google pay options :
Name: Sreedharan Namboothiri.N
Bank: Indusind Bank
Branch: Mavelikara, Alappuzha Dist. Kerala, India
Acc. No.: 259544431919
IFSC: INDB0001646
2.Take a picture of your payment receipt and sent along with your proper detail address to thapovanmeditation@gmail.com (e-mail) or wats app no +91 9544431919
***NB:- Along with the prices of the materials, the corior or transportation charge may add as per the distance of the places, so this rate may vary as per the extraneous features.***