(saluting by two hands keep on the ears.) Touch the ring finger and thumb finger on both the ears.
Then bring down the hands in crossed way with Left hand on top.
And touch the ground
2.Pray to Kula Devatha
Pray to Kula Devatha
Traditional devatha
Keep the hands in Prayer Pose near the heart
3. Protection from all negative energy vibes to full of life
Create Shell, Asthramanthra- Arrow; Imagine a powerful vibrational energy field. Sleem is a Beeja mantra and Pashu- Animal like energy without Gynanam. Hum- Stimulate the Moola dhara AndFal- shivam
Taratrayam(clapping 3 times):
3 Clap with the mantra “SleemPashu Hum Fal”
1.navel place,2.heart place,3.head place.
Dashadikh bandhana (making temple). Total of 10.
Do 8 directions,bottom and top.
“SleemPashu Hum Fal”
Use the Meru as reference. Do in the front, then clockwise do right, then centre and then corner and then the canter behind. Now take hand In the front and start with the left side behind corner, then left side centre and then another corner, then do bottom and then top.
Then do a circle for Vahni-fire mandalayanamah, Surya mandalayanamah, Soma mandalayanamah’
Keep Chandana and right hand touch with water on the eyes.
4.Pranayamam with OM
Start with right inhale, hold breath with 10 Om – left exhale
Left inhale, hold breath with 10 Om – right exhale
5.Pranayamam with Bala Mantra
Start with right inhale, hold breath with 10 –Aym Kleem Sauh left exhale.
Left inhale, hold breath with 10 AymKleemSauh – right exhale
6.Vyapakam-Amirtha spread throughout the body
Start with Bliss from the top flow through the body through movements, 2 times all the way to the legs in sitting position.
7.Atmaradhana- worship yourself and Anga kara Nyasas
Mula Manthrena Shadanga Nyasam kuryath
Kara Nyasam
(Ritual by hand)
Iym angushtabhyam nama
Kleem Tharjaneebhyaam nama
Sou Madhyamabhyaam nama
Sou anamikabhyam nama
Kleem Kanishtakabhyaam nama
Iym kara thala kara prushtabhyam nama
Iym salutations by the thumb
Kleem salutations by the second finger
Sou salutations by middle finger
Sou salutations by the fourth finger
Kleem salutations by little finger
Iyn saltations by the palm and back of the palm.
Anga Nyasam
Rituals by the limb
Bow to our self consciousness (shiva) with anjali (both the hand); This is for Hridaya Devi- heart love, Shriodevi- head, Shikadevi- hair, Om Kavacha hum- fire touch two shoulders, with the hand mudra lock to give shield protection, with the eyes- 3 eyes like shiva- Trishul, write Ram Ram in both the hands- Ram is the Agni pooja, Astra devi
Iym hrudayaya nama
Kleem sirase swaha
Sou Shikhayai voushat
Sou kavachaya hoom
Kleem nethra thrayaya voushat
Iym asthraya phat
Iym salutations by the heart
Kleem saluations by the head
Sou salutations by the hair
Sou Salutations to the armour
Kleem salutations to the three eyes
Iym salutations of te arrow
8.Do BalaThirupuraSundari Mantra- always start with praying to Rishi
Mruga Mudra – deer pose on the head with one hand
Om Dakshina moorthi rishi,Om pamkthi chanda, Om tripurabaladevatha:
Om Aim KleemSouh – 10 times
Om Dakshina moorthi rishi, Om Pamkthi chanda, Om Tripura baladevatha:
8.Sangu Poornam- prepare sangu (Samanyarkhya)
Clean the place of Shangu
Draw with sandalpast.

Put Akshada and flower to the canter.
Sangu legs has keep with “Vanni mandalayanama” and Keep the shangu with “Surya mandalaya nama”, take water from Kindi and mix into Sangu- “Soma mandalaya nama” (you can use any vessals)
Put akshatha(rice), sandal paste and flowers to Shangu with the mantra “Om Gam gangaye nama.”
Keep shangu in rised palms “Om somamandalayanama” Or “ Apojyothi raso amrutham Brahma bhur bhuva svarom. Take water from Sanghu, spray water everywhere.
9. Prepare Guru and Ganapathy seat
Draw these marks on left side of meru and right side of meru
9. Prepare Guru and Ganapathy seat
Draw these marks on left side of the meru and right side of the meru

Do Avahana
Take rice, sandal paste and water in palms do avahana and keep on left mark with the mantra
“Om Gum GurubhyoNamaha” (from Sahasrara)
Keep Mruga Mudra on top of the head with two hands
Om Sri Lalithamba Guru pathugam Pooja Yami Tarpayami Namah
Guru vandanam

Om Sada Shiva Samarambham
Sankaracharya Madhyamam
Asmad Acharya Pariyantham
Vande Guru Paramparam
(Om Aym hreem shreem aym kleem souh, hamsa shiva soham haskhafrem hasakshamalavarayum hasu sahakshamalavarayim shau: shiva soham svaroope niroopanahethave shree gurave nama
Shree shree svagurave shree padukam pujayami nama:
Om aym hreem shreem aym kleem souh: soham hamsa shiva hamsa shiva haskhafrem hasakshamalavarayum hasau: sahakshamalavarayim shau: soaham hamsa shiva svacha prakasha vimarsha hethave shree paramagurave nama;
Shree shree paramaguru shree padukam pujayami nama:
Om aym hreem shreem aym kleem souh soaham hamsa shiva haskhafrem hasakshamalavarayum hasau hamsa shiva soham savthmarama panjara veleena thejase shree parameshti guravee nama:
Sree sree parameshti guru shree paadukam pujayami nama:)
Om Dhom amrithathmana Nivedyam samarpayami
10.Ganapati Vidya

Maha Ganapathi vidya
In Sri MahaGanapati mantra there is bija mantra Gam and also
Glaum. Gam bija awakens the energy of Ganapati tattva and Glaum bija purifies
the earth element and expands the awareness of the earth element i sadhak.
In MahaGanapati Sadhna lot of sadhaka in the begining experience pain in the
joints of the bones and also experience laziness and drowsiness and the sadhka
starts experiencing mental stability. This is important as the negative energy
of the pitras and kula doshas is stored in the bone joints and this sadhna
starts removing that. A few sadhakas also experience feeling like floating in
the air and feel more alive and active.
Hence in Sri Vidya sadhna SriMahaganapati sadhna is a must. It is done by activating the MahaGanapati Srividya mantra with the process of Tarpana, Yantra Puja, Havan etc. Sadhna done according to prescribed lineage gives the sadhaka lot of fame in the world.
The Tantric meaning of Ganapathi is for removing obstacles in the awakening path of kundalini.
If you implanting a deity at first time of the sadhana for maintain proper path, the chances of misguiding won’t happen.
In lalithasahasranama and brahmandapurana says, Ganapathi born from the face of Shiva when looked Devi to destroy the Vigna yanthra (Machine of obstacle) created by Bhandasura on the warfront.The Maha Ganapathi’s boons are important to win the sadhana in Srividya
Bija Manthra of Maha Ganapathi vidya is :-“ Om Shreem Hreem Kleem Glaum Gam Ganapathe Vara Varada Sarva Janam Me Vashamanaya Svaha”.
Take akshatha,flower,water,sandal paste. Do Avahana with the manthra
“Om Gam ganapathayenama”
“Om sreem hreem kleem glaum gam ganapathaye vara varada sarva janam me vashamanaya svaha”
Om Dhom amrithathmana Nivedyam samarpayami
11. Prepare the seat of Devi- Peeda pooja
Peedam (Seat) is also a deity, so need to prepare
Jaladi Jalantha Pooja
Jala, Gantham, pushpam, Dhupam, Deepam
Normal water, Kindi (1st vessel) Water, Sandal paste, flower, sambrani dhoopam, Deepam of ghee lamp light.
Sangu- Jalam- Water:
Om Gum GurubhyoNamaha
Om Gam GanapathayaeNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Sandal Paste use flower to dip:
Om Gum GurubhyoNamaha
Om Gam GanapathayaeNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Gum GurubhyoNamaha
Om Gam GanapathayaeNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Gum GurubhyoNamaha
Om Gam GanapathayaeNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Mudra- touch thumb on pointing finger and move from dhoopam to devi
For Guru-Yam vayuathmanadhoopamkalpayami
For Ganapathy- Yam Vayu athmanadhoopamKalpayami
For Devi- Yam Vayu athmanadhoopamKalpayami
Sangu water:
Om Gum GurubhyoNamaha
Om Gam GanapathayaeNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Lamp- Deepam:
Om Gum GurubhyoNamaha
Om Gam GanapathayaeNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Mudra- touch thumb on middle finger and move from dhoopam to devi
For Guru-Rem Agni athmanadheepamkalpayami
For Ganapathy- Rem Agni athmanadheepamkalpayami
For Devi- Rem Agni athmanadheepamkalpayami
Sangu water:
Om Gum GurubhyoNamaha
Om Gam GanapathayaeNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Om Pam PadmayaNamaha
Say Peeda samashti mantra (Shiva is the seat of Devi)
“Om Aym Hreem Shreem Glaum
Viyad adhipathaye panchavakthraya
Sadashivaya Mahapretha
Pathmasanaya nama:”
(Peeda Samasti mantra)